Parents » Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

Gillis School Code of Conduct

At Gillis School, we believe that all students and staff have the right to a safe and caring school environment that fosters and maintains respectful and responsible behaviours.


Unacceptable and Intolerable Behaviours

Behaviours that are not acceptable/will not be tolerated at Gillis School include but are not limited to the following: 

  • Bullying, including cyberbullying, or abusing physically or psychologically in writing, verbally or otherwise*
  • Discriminating unreasonably on the basis of any characteristic set out in subsection 9 (2) of the Manitoba Human Rights Code[i]
  • Using, possessing or being under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs at school.
  • Gang involvement on school sites
  • Possessing a weapon as “weapon” is defined in Section 2 of Canada’s Criminal Code[ii]
  • Inappropriate use of electronic mail, the Internet, cell phones and electronic communication devices, including accessing, uploading, downloading or distribution of material that the school has determined objectionable, students taking photos, video recordings, and images of staff or students on school property without the permission of authorized school personnel




Parents/guardians encourage regular attendance and will contact school when your child (ren) will be absent.  Staff will keep accurate records, develop guidelines for student absenteeism and determine reasons for absence.



Students will be on time for class.

Parents/guardians will ensure that your child leaves for school with sufficient time to be punctual.

Staff will keep accurate records, develop guidelines, and determine reasons for tardiness.



Students will be prepared for all classes by bringing required materials and completed assignments. Complete all work missed due to absence.

Parent/guardian will provide an environment at home, which is conducive for homework, and take active interest in your child’s education. Maintain regular communication with teachers

Staff will provide relevant learning experiences and clear expectations. Communicate information about student progress and work habits.



Students will respect the school staff, volunteers, divisional staff, as well as school and divisional policies.

Parents/guardians will encourage respect for the school by providing an appropriate role model.

Staff will approach the education of the student in a respectful manner and model appropriate behavior.




Students will respect the rights of fellow students to a school environment which is free from fear, prejudice and distraction.

Parents/guardians will encourage in your child (ren) respect for the rights of fellow students to enjoy a productive learning environment.


Staff will provide appropriate role models; treat with common courtesy and respect. Provide a school environment free from fear, prejudice and distraction.



Students will respect the property of the school and of fellow students; make restitution for damage to property.

Parents/guardians will instill values of respect for public and personal property in your child (ren); make restitution for damage to property.

Staff will facilitate security of property and encourage the student to take responsibility for his/her property.



Students will dress appropriately.

Parents/guardians will provide your child with appropriate dress for school.

Staff will provide appropriate role models and encourage respectful standards of dress.



Students will attend school and school activities not in the possession of, or under the influence of drugs or alcohol.  Tobacco products cannot be used on school property.

Parents/guardians will instill appropriate social values and respect for the law in your child (ren); encourage positive health attitudes/lifestyle. Be informed of the signs of substance abuse.


Staff will provide appropriate role models, encourage positive health attitudes/lifestyles through specific teaching of substance abuse topics. Ensure appropriate interventions when necessary.



Gillis School Discipline Procedures

The purpose of this discipline policy is to provide appropriate learning consequences and provide children with understanding of their misbehavior with the intention to help them make better decisions in the future. The child has to be treated with dignity and not be diminished for their actions. The Policy is in place to help the student learn what is and is not acceptable in society.                                                                                                                                                                           

The following is the range of consequences for behaviours that interferes with the learning and/or interferes with the rights of others in the learning environment. (these are not listed in order of use)




Informal Interview- A teacher or administrator talks with the student to reach an agreement regarding the student’s behaviours.


Formal Interview- A conference is held with the student, the teacher, and administrator, appropriate support staff and the parent/guardian to develop a plan for changing the student’s behaviours.


Removal of Privileges- Privileges such as access to the playground, the lunchroom, extra curricular activities and bus transportation may be removed under certain circumstances.


Detention of Student- The student is detained at school for specific unacceptable behaviours. If a child is caused to miss their school bus or is kept after school beyond 15 minutes the parent/guardian must be informed.


Restitution- The student or parent/guardian is required to compensate for damages incurred. Such restitution may be monetary in nature but could take alternative forms. For example, if a student is making a mess they could be asked to help clean up as a form of restitution.


Withdrawal From Classroom Setting- When specific unacceptable behaviours is deemed to have a negative impact upon the classroom learning environment, the student is withdrawn to a supervised alternative location to complete his/her assignments. Such withdrawal would normally be temporary but when a prolonged withdrawal is necessary the parent/guardian is contacted.


Phone call home by the teacher or principal


Meeting with parents


Involvement of school counselor





Behavior Intervention Plan- In some instances the student may be required to meet specific behavioral standards that are identified in a written contract. Such expectations are developed and agreed upon by the school, the parent/guardian and the student. Consequences in breach of the contract are clearly identified. Copies are supplied to all concerned parties.

In-School Suspension- The Principal may assign a student to an in-school suspension.

Suspension- Suspension from school is a serious consequence which is imposed subject to Board Policy # 7400 and the Public Schools Act. In all cases of suspension the parents/guardians are notified immediately. The principal may suspend up to 5 days. The suspension can be a combination of out of school and in-school. The Superintendent or the Board may extend the suspension. When the school gives a suspension and the parents/guardians are not in agreement, an appeal can be made to the Superintendent.

Student Services- Student Services support personnel are involved to assist in the remediation of some unacceptable behaviours.

Home Schooling/ Alternative Education Placement- Home schooling and alternate placement may be a consequence for continued unacceptable behaviours.

Outside Agency Involvement- Outside agencies may need to become involved as well as community support services in instances where the board or senior administration believe such involvement is necessary, in  consultation with the school.

Expulsion from School- Expulsion by the Board of Trustees is a very serious consequence resulting when it is determined that a student’s continued presence in the school is detrimental in an emotional or physical way to the students and/ or staff. Expulsion requires an official action by the Board of Trustees and is completed in accordance with the Public Schools Act. An expulsion means that a student may not attend any school operated by the Division until such time as the Board removes the Expulsion.


[i] Manitoba Human Rights Code

[ii] Criminal Code of Canada